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Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm back and great comments!

We are back from our family vacation at the beach. We had a wonderful time but are all thrilled to be back in our own beds!

We've had some great comments and e-mails from readers that I wanted to make sure everyone knows about. Jo said that Trader Joe's milk is hormone free too. So you can pick up a gallon while you're out buying your Two Buck Chuck!

Tara can say it better than me so here's her comment on my RoboForm post: "There is a new breed of password managers - online password managers.I work for Passpack which online password manager which lets you access your passwords from anywhere in the world with just 1 Click (Login). It organizes, stores and secures your passwords from keyloggers, phishers...The internet is as safe as we make it so let's make it safe!"

Good to know! Thanks for sharing!

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