We are back from our family vacation at the beach. We had a wonderful time but are all thrilled to be back in our own beds!
We've had some great comments and e-mails from readers that I wanted to make sure everyone knows about. Jo said that Trader Joe's milk is hormone free too. So you can pick up a gallon while you're out buying your Two Buck Chuck!
Tara can say it better than me so here's her comment on my RoboForm post: "There is a new breed of password managers - online password managers.I work for Passpack which is...an online password manager which lets you access your passwords from anywhere in the world with just 1 Click (Login). It organizes, stores and secures your passwords from keyloggers, phishers...The internet is as safe as we make it so let's make it safe! http://passpack.com/"
Good to know! Thanks for sharing!
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